Congresses and Conventions (MICE)
Its location in the Patagonia, its innumerable attractions of great international value, its complete network of air and land communication with the rest of the country and the world, its tourist, cultural and commercial essence, make Chubut an ideal event destination.
The sustained growth in the demand for Meeting Tourism is due to the rich provincial tourist base, the technological and communicational evolution and the accompaniment of the province’s Convention Bureaux.
Chubut has four airports in the main cities:
Comodoro Rivadavia, Trelew, Puerto Madryn (in the coastal zone) and Esquel (in the Andean zone). All of them are mainly connected with Buenos Aires. Likewise, Chubut offers terrestrial communication nodes and connection to any point in the country. The cities have companies and salons that provide solutions to all kinds of events and even centralize their recruitment from their respective Bureaux and Promotion Entities, offering very good accommodation, varied gastronomic alternatives, professional language translators and salons in accordance with national and international markets
Recommended For
AdultGreaterLGBTQPeople with disabilitiesPeople with Reduced MobilityYoung
Recommendations for having a good experience:
If you are interesting in holding an event in the Province, we recommend contacting the bureau or entity of the Province for a better organization.
For more information:
Comodoro Conventios & Visitors Bureau
Web Site:
Telephone: 0297 444 0664
E-mail: /
Esquel – Ente Mixto de Turismo
Telphone: 02945 15 533294
Web Site:
Puerto Madryn
Secretaría de Turismo de Puerto Madryn: Av. Roca 223
Telephone Information Center: (54 280) 4453504 / 4456067
Web Site:
Trelew Bureau de Eventos
Telephone: 0280 4431519 Cel. 2804368863
Web Site: