Protected Natural Area Piedra Parada
It is a Protected Natural Area which has 132 hectares of Patagonia steppe, located between Languiñeo and Cushamen Departments, 42 km from Gualjaina.
Its conservation objectives include:
- Conserve the essential natural attributes and qualities of the environment in the long term, genetic resources in their dynamic and evolutionary state and established ecological processes.
- Conserve the geological, paleontological, archaeological and cultural attributes of the area to provide opportunities for research, monitoring, education and interpretation, to a degree compatible with the objective of creation.
- Guarantee public use at levels that contribute in the best possible way to the physical and spiritual well-being of visitors and reserve the natural attributes of the area for current and future generations.
- To provide local residents with benefits that are compatible with the objectives of creating and managing the protected area.
- Conserve the scenic beauty of the Piedra Parada Valley for the use, and enjoyment of current and future generations.
- Order current public uses in search of reducing negative impacts on the area.
Under the Provincial Law N° 4.617, the management category assigned V: Terrestrial Landscape/ Marine Protected.
It does not have settlers and the land is specifically for tourist use.
On average, it stipulates that it receives 3500 people annually.
Conservation Objective
Conserve resources and processes; beauty and geological, paleontological, archaeological attributes of the area for research and monitoring. Guarantee public use. Provide residents with benefits compatible with the area. Reduce negative impacts.